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What Does Realistic Self-Care Look Like?

4 years ago


Since exams are swiftly approaching, our mental health is definitely taking a back seat as we focus more on revising content and doing practice exams.

So let’s be realistic, how can we find the time to take care of ourselves but not end up procrastinating or getting distracted?


1. Make yourself a nice meal.

Instead of grabbing the bag of chips from the pantry when you get hungry, try turning on the stove and making yourself a yummy meal.

Cooking is calming because it allows you to be creative and stay focused on the task at hand.

You also get something to eat afterwards so it’s definitely a win-win situation!


2. Have a change of scenery.

It’s time to close the laptop or the textbook and get some fresh air.

It’s a common self-care activity for many people on our RESN team as it allows you to clear your head and reminds you that the world is bigger than your laptop.

Whether you take a walk or sit in your backyard, either is a great form of self-care.


3. Tidy things up a bit.

Sometimes folding your clothes or tidying up your desk can be a productive way of taking care of your mind and wellbeing.

It relaxes your mind from long periods of study by focusing on something with less brain power.

Not only will you have a clean room or workspace but you’ll also have a clearer mind!


4. Sit down and have a chat.

We often underestimate the power that our conversations and connections with people have on improving our mental health.

Our relationships provide us with the much needed emotional support and encouragement to get us through this difficult time.

Try catching up with your friends and family -- if restrictions allow -- and talk about how life has been. It will do wonders for your wellbeing and also for theirs too.


5. Listen to some music.

Did you know music helps alleviate stress and improve your mood?

That means that there’s absolutely no shame in singing along to your favourite songs and dancing around the house because you absolutely deserve it.

So why not pop on some tunes and dance the exam stress away?


6. Do something you enjoy doing for a little while.

Perhaps you don’t like listening to music, cleaning or cooking, but everyone has something that they enjoy and helps them relax.

If you’ve started questioning what all the study is for or are tired of deciding your future, take a break and do something you love.

It can be as niche as you want, just as long as it brings you joy and happiness.

Sometimes it’s the small things that help us stay healthy and motivated.

But when you feel ready to get back into the thick of studying smarter, not harder, check out the RESN Quizzes & Wiki which will get you all set for exams.

Good luck! We believe in you!

By Xenia Sanut

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