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What Comes Next? How to Decide What Course Best Suits You

4 years ago


Course applications have opened and it seems crazy that we have to decide what we’ll do after high school when the future is so uncertain.

Don’t worry, we have some awesome tips to help you finalise those course preferences and to get you ready for university in no time.


1. Try a generalist degree.

You might have heard this term floating around from your careers coordinators or at open days, but what exactly is it?

Generalist or comprehensive degrees are degrees that allow you to study a wide range of subjects.

They include degrees like arts, business, information technology and science which allow you to try a bit of everything before deciding what you’ll major in.

The opposite of generalist degrees are specialist degrees which tailor you towards a certain career, such as law, education or medicine.


2. Check out the student handbook.

You might be familiar with your interested universities’ ‘future students’ page, as it has heaps of important information like entry requirements, majors and specialisations.

But there is a whole other side called the student handbook which tells you what subjects make up your major and which units you can take each semester. If you like the look of the subjects, chances are you’ll like the degree!

If you’re tossing up between a couple of areas of study, Googling the student handbook at the might help you narrow them down.


3. Find out how the content will be delivered.

Now, are you more interested in theory? Or in taking the practical approach? If you take a look at how your degree and classes are structured, it might help you decide which degree you like better.

Depending on the university, your degree might have a compulsory work placement or a practical component which might be a good choice if you fancy applying your knowledge in a real-world context.

However, if you’re more interested in going into research, maybe you would like a degree that focuses more on theory and writing reports -- either way there will be a university out there that is a good fit for you!


4. Don’t worry if you don’t choose the right degree the first time.

We try to make the right decision from the get-go by attending heaps of open days and asking careers advice from hundreds of people but you can never really know whether a degree feels right until you try it.

There is always the opportunity to transfer to different courses, or even different universities! If you don’t end up getting your first preference or you don’t end up liking your degree, don’t sweat it.

While transferring might mean that it will take longer to graduate than you expected, at least you will graduate knowing that you did a degree you loved at a university where you made heaps of fond memories.

But if you’re finding it hard to justify why you’re studying so much, check out our earlier article about why we study!

Take care of yourself and remember that you’re doing a great job! We believe in you!

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